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Policies, Mission & Objectives


  • ALA Bill of Rights

    The Board of Directors of the Green Tree Public Library adopts and supports the ALA Library Bill of Rights, as reproduced below:

    The Council of the American Library Association reaffirms the belief in the following basic policies, which should govern the services of all libraries.

    A. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

    B. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

    C. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

    D. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas.

    E. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

    F. Libraries, which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve, should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

    Adopted June 18, 1948
    Amended February 2, 1961, June 27, 1967 and January 23, 1980 by the ALA Council.

  • Volunteers

    The Green Tree Public Library has volunteers who aid the Library Director, Librarian and clerks in running the Library. Training and guidance of the volunteers rests with the library staff. All inquiries concerning volunteering should be directed to the Librarian. Any questions concerning policy/procedures will be directed to the Library Director.

    A. Administrative Policies:

    1. All volunteers must have completed the 8th grade and be 13 years of age.
    2. The Library does not accept court-mandated volunteers.
    3. Prospective volunteers must submit an application and interview with library staff. The library reserves the right to refuse an applicant for volunteer work.
    4. Effective July 1, 2015, anyone who wishes to volunteer their time for any activity associated with the Borough of Green Tree is required to have current copies of the State Police Clearance (Act 34), Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151) and the FBI Clearance (fingerprinting) or a signed Volunteer Clearance Exception Disclosure Statement on file with the Borough of Green Tree or apply for State Police Clearance, Child Abuse Clearance and FBI Clearance in addition to submitting a signed Volunteer Clearance Disclosure Statement to the Borough Administration Office. The Borough will pay for the cost of the clearances. Instructions for clearances will be provided to volunteers.
    5. Volunteers will receive on the job training.
    6. Volunteers will observe the regular Library work rules while engaged in work for the Library and will be required to comply with all record keeping and evaluation procedures established by the Library.
    7. Volunteers are not covered by Workman’s Compensation. Volunteers are covered by insurance provided by the Borough of Green Tree. All volunteers will be informed of this before they begin.
    8. The Library reserves the right to terminate a volunteer, if, in the judgment of the Library Director, the volunteer does not meet the Library’s personnel standards for work or standards as listed in the Green Tree Public Library’s policy.

    B. Rules and Responsibilities – Volunteers work under many of the same rules and expectations as regular staff. These rules include, but are not limited to:

    1. All volunteers are asked to make a commitment of two hours per shift. Volunteers should tell the staff what days and times that they are available to volunteer their time, at least one day in advance.
    2. Volunteers who cannot make their scheduled time are expected to notify the Library staff as soon as possible. (This is to aid the staff who may have special projects set aside for the volunteers to do.) Should a volunteer fail to report for their designated shifts two times without notifying the library, they will be terminated as a volunteer. Those volunteers who repeatedly call off for their designated shifts will be handled on a case by case basis and risk losing their volunteer status.
    3. Volunteers should conduct themselves in a professional manner. As a public service agency, the Green Tree Public Library expects that volunteers will be pleasant and polite in attitude and speech and helpful to all patrons at all times.
    4. Dress should be appropriate for the position of a volunteer at the Library. Tank tops, muscle shirts, cut-off shorts, hats, and torn or worn jeans are not permitted.
    5. Smoking is prohibited in the Municipal Center and the Green Tree Public Library.
    6. Volunteers are not permitted to wear headphones while on duty.
    7. Socializing with friends while on duty is not permitted.
    8. Eating and drinking are permitted only in the Library office away from public areas and computers.
    9. Personal telephone calls and texting are permitted only in the case of an emergency. Cell phones should be stowed away while on duty.
    10. All patron records are confidential information. Volunteers are not permitted to view patron records unless they are servicing the patron (checking books in/out, placing reserves, collecting fines, etc.) or performing as assigned task. A volunteer violating this policy will be terminated.

    C. Students and Community Service Volunteers:

    1. Students may earn community service hours by volunteering at the Library.
    2. The minimum age of volunteers is 13 and completion of the 8th grade before they begin to volunteer at the Library.
    3. Upon arrival, student volunteers are to check in with the staff on duty. Students should report to staff when they have finished their shift.
    4. Students are not to leave the Municipal Center while on duty.
    5. Students will be responsible for recording their volunteer hours and for knowing and understanding their school or organization’s requirements for tracking and reporting volunteer hours.
  • Collection Policy

    Section III


    Adopted by the Library Board on July 19, 2022



    The collection development policy outlines the philosophies that shape the selection, acquisition, accessibility, and management of the collection.



    The Library will provide materials, in a variety of formats, that support the needs of community members of all ages and backgrounds. From the abundance of materials available, the Library will select those which nurture intellectual enrichment, creativity and enjoyment. Though the Library cannot purchase, store and make available all items, its participation in the Allegheny County Library Association and Electronic Information Network expands patron access. Items unavailable at Green Tree may be placed on hold and sent to Green Tree via a county-wide delivery system or established interlibrary loan networks. Additionally, all Library cardholders have in-house and/or remote access to digital and electronic resources.



    The Library Board of Directors, appointed by the Green Tree Borough Council, oversee the approval of the collection development policy. As the community continues to change, the Board will reassess the collection development policy to ensure it reflects current needs and practices. The Library Board delegates professional Library Staff, under the direction of the Library Director, to make collection development decisions within the framework of this policy.



    Collection development staff use their training, subject knowledge, and familiarity of the community, along with the following general criteria, to select materials for the collection. An item will not necessarily be judged against all criteria, but against those most applicable and appropriate to it. Patrons are encouraged to suggest titles and/or subjects they would like to see added to the collection, but as with any Library materials, only those meeting the selection criteria will be considered for purchase. Selection of materials will not be limited by possible exposure to minors.

    ·         Relevance and suitability to interests and needs of the community

    ·         Relation to the existing collection

    ·         Professional publicity, critiques and reviews

    ·         Authority, reputation, and qualifications of the author, publisher or producer, with preference generally given to titles vetted in the editing and publishing industry

    ·         Comprehensiveness, depth of treatment, objectivity, clarity, technical quality, and currency of information

    ·         Literary and artistic distinction

    ·         Relevance, use, and accuracy of information

    ·         Current or historical significance of the author or subject

    ·         Sustained interest or demand

    ·         Date of publication

    ·         Price, availability, and Library materials budget

    ·         Suitability of format to Library circulation



    Once materials have been added to the collection, they are managed through an assessment and evaluation process to ensure that ongoing collection priorities are met; that collections remain up to date, balanced and attractive; and that space limitations are minimized. Library Staff use statistical tools and their professional judgement to determine which items to retain, replace or de-select.

    The following categories of materials will be considered for de-selection, or weeding:

    ·         Worn or destroyed materials

    ·         Duplicate copies of seldom used titles

    ·         Materials containing outdated or inaccurate information

    ·         Superseded editions or specific titles

    ·         Materials no longer of interest or demand

    While the Library attempts to replace copies of standard and important works, it does not automatically replace all titles. The following standards are kept in mind when considering a replacement:

    ·         Demand for the item

    ·         Number of copies available in the system

    ·         Existing coverage of the subject within the collection

    ·         Date of publication

    ·         Accuracy of its contents

    ·         Availability of title for reorder

    ·         Cost of mending versus cost of replacement



    Patrons may want to gift an item to the library for inclusion in the collection. These gifts will be subject to the same selection criteria as purchased items. In no case will an item be added simply because it is a gift. Gifted materials become property of the Library to keep, sell, donate or dispose of as they see fit.



    The Library desires to support local authors while maintaining collection standards. As such, we have established guidelines for self-published materials. Individuals or publishers wishing to contribute materials to the Library must meet the below criteria:

    ·         Content creator must be a Green Tree resident, or the work must take place in Green Tree.

    ·         Each item must be approved by a designated librarian before being accepted into placement. Staff will evaluate the item against its selection criteria.

    ·         Requests for inclusion cannot be guaranteed, nor answered immediately.

    ·         Self-published materials will only be accepted as donations (limit of one copy).

    ·         Donated items may be deselected from the collection.



    All members of the community will have free and equitable access to a range of library resources that are inclusive, regardless of content, approach, or format. This principal applies equally to users, minors as well as adults, and people of all abilities and disabilities. Decisions about the appropriateness of materials for children should be made by the people who know them best: their parents or guardians.



    The Library affirms the safeguarding of First Amendment Rights and intellectual freedom.

    ·         The Library endorses the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements.

    ·         The Library serves as a public place where individuals can examine issues freely and make their own decisions. 

    ·         Efforts of groups or individuals to deny access to other members of the community or to force inclusion or exclusion of materials representing political, economic, moral religious, or other vested positions must be resisted.

    ·         The collection will encompass a broad range of human experiences, identities, and viewpoints, including those which have been historically underrepresented or excluded, to reflect not only the region it serves, but also the larger global perspective.

    ·         The race, religion, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, or political views of an author or subjects; offensive language; depictions or descriptions of violence or sexually explicit activity; controversial content of an item; or endorsement or disapproval by an individual or group in the community does not cause an item automatically to be included or excluded from the library’s collection.

    ·         The Library strives to offer a balanced collection; however, this does not necessarily imply numerical balance since this is seldom possible.



    Library cardholders residing in Allegheny County have a right to question collection development decisions made by the Library Board or staff. The following steps will be used when an individual feels that further action is necessary to address concerns about a library resource. For the duration of this process, the material in question will remain in circulation in the library collection. 

    A.   Should a patron object to the inclusion or exclusion of a particular title or group of titles, he or she will be asked to state their objection in writing addressed to the Library Director. This letter should include the following:

    1.  Patron’s name, address, phone number and email.

    2.  If patron represents an organization or group, please state the name.

    3.  Description of how the resource was brought to your attention.

    4.  Statement that the patron has read the complete book or has listened to or viewed the complete work.

    5. Specific complaint or concern.

    6. Suggested substitute, if any.

    7. Suggested course of action.

    8. Patron’s signature.

    B.   The Library Director, with appropriate professional staff, will review the letter and the material in question, to consider whether its selection follows the criteria stated in the collection policy.

    C.   Within 15 business days, the Director will render a decision and send a letter to the concerned person who requested the reconsideration, stating the reasons for the decision.

    D.   If the individual is not satisfied with the decision, a written appeal may be submitted within 10 business days to the Library Board.

    E.   The library board will address the appeal at their next regularly scheduled board meeting, and the individual will be notified of when and where the meeting will be held.

    F.    The Library Board reserves the right to limit the length of public comments.

    G.   The decision of the Library Board is final.

    H.   Once a decision has been rendered on an item, it cannot be challenged again for at least five years.

  • The Library Building

    A. Smoking

    1. Green Tree Public Library does not allow the use of tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes or other vaping devices within 25 feet of doors, entryways, windows, or other ventilation inlets. For the purpose of this policy, tobacco products are defined as any lighted or unlit cigarette, cigar, little cigar, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, hookah, snuff, snus, or any electronic device that delivers nicotine or another substance to a person, including electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs), or vaping devices.

    2.  Green Tree Public Library is committed to providing a high quality, healthy experience for staff and visitors. We believe that:

    a. The use of tobacco products in spaces where youth, caregivers, and other adults is unhealthy and detrimental to the health of others.

    b.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that exposure to secondhand smoke interferes with the normal functioning of the heart, blood, and vascular systems in ways that increase the risk of heart attack.

    c.  Tobacco products consumed in public spaces are often discarded inappropriately, which contributes to litter and damages the environment.

    d.  Changing the social norms around tobacco use and vaping can positively impact the lifestyle choices of youth who visit Green Tree Public Library.

    B. Patrons are not permitted to bring food or drink into the Library.

    C.  Service Animals

    1.  Green Tree Public Library welcomes patrons with service animals. Qualified service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are dogs of any breed or miniature horses that have been individually trained to assist or accommodate a person with a sensory, mental, or physical disability or to perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. While acknowledging legal rights under applicable federal and state laws regarding use of service animals, the Library will also take into consideration the importance of the safety and health of all the people in the Library.

    2.  No animals other than service animals are allowed in the Library building. The ADA does not consider animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support to be qualified service animals. Therefore, comfort and emotional support animals are not allowed in the Library unless they have been scheduled, by staff, for a Library sponsored program or event.

    3.  In situations where it is not obvious that an animal is a service animal, Library staff are only permitted to ask an individual who accesses the Library with a service animal the following two questions: (1) is the dog or miniature horse a service animal required due to a disability, and (2) what work or task the service animal has been trained to perform.

    4.  Owners/handlers must keep service animals with them and under their control at all times. If a service animal cannot be leashed or harnessed, due to disability or interference with the performance of tasks, it must be otherwise clearly under the handler’s control. Owners of service animals are solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service animal while on Library property.

    5.  If the service animal is not under the handler’s control, and the handler is unwilling or unable to take effective action to place the service animal under control, or if the service animal’s behavior fundamentally alters the nature of a Library program or service, the handler may be asked to remove the service animal from the Library.

    D. All children below the age of ten (10) are to be accompanied by a parent or guardian when visiting the Library. Such children are not to be left unattended on the Library premises at any time. The Library is not responsible for any unattended children.

    E. The Library staff has the right to ask individuals who are exhibiting disruptive or discourteous behavior to leave the Library.

    F. The Library display cases are to be used for displays that further the general educational philosophy of the Library. Members of the public who are interested in creating a display must complete a signed display case exhibit form and submit it to Library Staff for approval with final approval by the Borough Manager. Display cases are for displays only and are not to be used for advertising or marketing purposes.

    G. The Library maintains community spaces (including a bulletin board, brochure rack, etc.) for the posting and display of civic, cultural and educational information of community interest. All postings must be approved by Library Staff. Commercial materials, materials resulting in personal gain, job advertisements, campaign information, endorsements and political opinions are not permitted. Postings will be displayed for at least 60 days (longer if space permits) or until an event has taken place.

    H. The Library has a no solicitation policy.

  • Library Property

    The Board of Directors of the Green Tree Public Library support the following provisions stated in the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes:

    A. Damaging Library Property – Anyone who shall cut, mutilate, mark or otherwise injure any book pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, manuscript, map or other property belonging in, to or on deposit with the Green Tree Public Library shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted for the said offense before any court of competent jurisdiction.

    B. Library Theft – A person is guilty of library theft if he/she willfully conceals on his/her person or among his/her belongings any library material while still on the premises of the Library, or willfully and without authority removes any Library material from the Library with the intention of converting such material to his/her own use.

    According to the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (P.L. 707, No. 230) Section 3929.1, Library Theft constitutes a:

    1. Summary Offense when the offense is a first offense and the value of the material is less than $150.00
    2. Misdemeanor of the second degree when the offense is a second offense and the value of the material is less than $150.00
    3. Misdemeanor of the first degree when the offense is a first of second offense and the value of the material is $150.00 or more.
    4. Felony of the third degree when the offense is a third or subsequent offense, regardless of the value of the material.
  • Library Circulation Records

    The Green Tree Public Library Board of Directors clearly recognizes the confidentiality of the various records that the Library has in its possession. All information related to the circulation of materials which contains the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the Library shall be confidential. This information shall not be made available to anyone except by court order in a criminal investigation.

  • Circulation Borrowing Policies

    The Green Tree Public Library Board has adopted the following policies in regard to circulation of Library Materials:

    A. Borrowing Period:

    The library assigns a borrowing period to each circulating item in the collection. This period may be extended at the staff’s discretion.

    1. The following items have a circulation period of one week:

    a.  Magazines
    b.  Adult DVDs under six hours viewing time
    c.  Children’s activity kits
    d.  American Girl Dolls and accessories
    e.  Launchpads
    f. Umbrellas
    g. Kitchen tools
    h.  Mobile WiFi hotspots

    2. The following items have a circulation period of three weeks:

    a.  Books
    b.  Music CDs
    c.  Audio Books
    d.  Adult DVDs over six hours viewing time
    e.  Children’s DVDs
    f.   Book Club kits
    g.  Playaways
    h.  Playaway Views

    B. Renewals

    1. Renewable Items: The following items will be automatically renewed for six (6) additional circulation periods, unless or until a hold is placed on the item by another patron:

    a.  Magazines
    b.  DVDs
    c.  Children’s activity kits
    d.  Books
    e.  Music CDs
    f.   Audio books
    g.  Book club kits
    h.  Playaways
    i.   Playaway Views

    2.  Non-renewable items: The following items are not renewable:

    a.  American Girl Dolls and accessories
    b.  Launchpads
    c.  Umbrellas
    d.  Kitchen tools
    e.  Mobile WiFi hotspots

    C.  Circulation:

    Cardholders may borrow up to 999 circulating items from the library.

    D. Notifications:

    As the due date on borrowed materials approaches, the library will notify the patron of the due date and ask that they return it (if the item is not eligible for renewal). Patrons may sign up for email, phone, and/or text notifications. Additionally, they may check their online account for a list of materials borrowed and their due dates. 

    E. Overdue Fines:

    At a library board meeting held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, the library board amended the library's circulation / borrowing policies to eliminate overdue fines for materials checked out at Green Tree Public Library. Items from other libraries may still accrue overdue fines. Fines are generated at the point of check out, but will be waived at Green tree Public Library. 

    F. Partially Returned Items:

    On occasion, an item will be only partially returned to the library. For example, when a disc is missing from a book on CD set. In instances where the item belongs to Green Tree Public Library, the item will remain on the patron’s record and staff will notify the patron about the missing components via phone or email. If the patron fails to return all components, he/she will be charged for the price of the item.

    G. The library charges for missing or damaged supplies that contain or complement circulating library materials, including:

    $6.00 for book on CD cases

    $2.00 for one-slot DVD cases and $3.00 for DVD cases containing two or more slots

    $2.00 for music CD cases

    $1.00 for barcodes

    $15.00 for puppet kit bags

    $10.00 for Mobile WiFi Hotspot chargers

    American Girl Doll kits will be evaluated depending on the item within the kit that is missing or damaged

    H. Lost, Stolen, Damaged, Billed or Otherwise Unreturned Materials:

    1. In the event that items are not returned, the patron will be contacted by their preferred method (email, phone or mail, as indicated in their record) according to the following schedule:

    a. First overdue notice is sent at one (1) day

    b. Second overdue notice is sent at two (2) weeks

    c. Third overdue notice is sent at four (4) weeks

    d. A paper bill for material replacement is sent at six (6) weeks

    2. The replacement fee is the price listed in the item record. Once paid, the item(s) then becomes property of the patron. Should any lost, stolen, damaged, billed or otherwise unreturned item(s) be returned to the library, staff will make a reasonable effort to contact the patron who paid for the item and hold the item for up to two (2) weeks. The Library will not refund money for lost and paid items.

    3. Patrons may pay replacement fees at any Allegheny County Library or online through their account.

    4. When receiving in-person payment for material(s) belonging to other libraries, Library staff should complete the form “Reimbursement Form for Other Libraries’” found both in the staff filing cabinet and on the eiNetwork Members’ Page under “Forms and Applications” and forward the money to the owning library within 30 days. If paying by check, the patron must make out the check to the owning library. An owning library will determine if the patron may purchase a replacement copy; many libraries do not offer the replacement option. If the item(s) belong to another library, the item(s) should be marked LOST & PAID and the billed amount waived.

    5. Student library card holders having fees amounting to $10.00 or higher are not permitted to borrow any additional materials until the material is returned and/or the fees are paid below the $10.00 limit.

  • Obtaining a Library Card

    A. Qualifications for Green Tree Cardholders (Adults):

    1.  To obtain a free Library Card, Allegheny County Residents must present proof of residency and a photo identification. Acceptable forms of ID are: real estate tax receipt, wage tax receipt, telephone bill, voter’s registration card, copy of PA-40 tax form, or any other document showing current residency. Another form of photo ID may be a passport photo or student ID. Other acceptable forms of ID are: voter’s registration card, credit card or bank card, check cashing card, pre-printed checkbook, medical insurance card or any other document proving identification of the applicant. With the EIN software, a new borrower will be entered into the system in about 5 minutes, with the proper credentials.

    2.  Residents of Allegheny County over the age of 18 can register for a card on the library website.

    a.  Patrons who apply and pass the verification check will receive an eCard, which grants instant access to electronic resources and full borrowing privileges. To upgrade to a physical card, they must visit the Library to present photo ID and proof of address. 

    b.  Patrons who apply and fail the online verification check will receive a temporary eCard, which can be used to place holds and access some online resources for 30 days. To upgrade to a card with full borrowing privileges, patrons will need to visit the Library with proof of ID and a current address.

    B. Qualifications for Green Tree Cardholders (Juveniles): To obtain a juvenile library card, applicants must be under 18 years of age. All children’s cards are to be linked to the guardian’s accounts (when possible). 

    C. Renewals: Library cards are valid for two years. Library cards in good standing will be automatically updated every two years.

    D. Lost or Stolen Library Cards: The fee for replacing a lost or stolen Library card is $1.00. This fee may be waived, if necessary.

  • Copyright Compliance

    The Board of Directors of the Green Tree Public Library supports the following provisions concerning copyright restrictions as stated in Title 17 of the United States Code:

    The copyright law of the United States governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.

    Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than the private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use”, that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

    The Green Tree Public Library reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

    The cost of photocopies is $.50 per page for black and white copies of letter size and $.50 for color copies of letter size.

    The cost for continental USA FAX transmissions is $1.00 for the cover page and $1.00 for each additional page. FAX transmission service is available only for the continental USA.

  • Internet Use Policy

    Due to the lawsuits surrounding NCIPA (Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act) in the Court system in 2002, the Green Tree Public Library (Green Tree Public Library) has updated it Internet Use Policy to reflect these changes.

    There are six specific requirements that the Green Tree Public Library has met for a continued Internet Use Policy that conforms to NCIPA.

    A. The Green Tree Public Library held a public meeting at 1 P.M. on Saturday, June 29, 2002 in the Poplar Room of the Municipal Center.

    B. The Green Tree Public Library Internet Use Policy addresses “access by minor to inappropriate matter on the Internet.” The Green Tree Public Library used Cyber –patrol filter provided by the EiNetwork to regulate all of the public computers with the exception of one. (This is to have one computer available in order to check web sites for valid searches i.e. breast cancer).

    C. The Green Tree Public Library’s Internet Use Policy addresses the safety and security of minor when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of electronic communication. The Green Tree Public Library believes that as with all Library resources, the right and responsibility lies with the parent/guardian, not the Library staff, to determine their minor children’s use of the Internet. (Minors are defined in the policy as children and young people under the age of seventeen (17) years of age.) Parents are responsible for their minor children’s use of library resources and facilities. Parents who believe that their children cannot responsibly access the Library’s Internet are requested to monitor their children’s Internet use.

    The Library, having installed and enforced the operation of filtering software from the EiNetwork in compliance with the NCIPA, assumes no liability for damages related to the operation of, or failure of, the filtering software or for its circumvention by users.

    Item 3 also addresses the Unacceptable Uses of Computers:

    The Green Tree Public Library has made available a copy of Safe Tips for Parent whose children use the Internet located in the children’s area. The following are considered unacceptable uses of computer and may result in the user losing his/her library privileges.

    1. Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law.
    2. Uses that cause harm to others or damage their property.
    3. Uses that jeopardize the security of access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet.
    4. Uses that compromise the safety and security of minors when using e-mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic information. Minors under the age of seventeen who give other private information about themselves of others to including credit card numbers, social security numbers, arranging a face-to-face meeting with an individual one has “met” via the computer network or Internet without parental permission.
    5. Uses that violate confidentiality of information. Personally identifiable information about users may not be disclosed or used in any way, except to law enforcement authorities as provided by law. Users should be aware, however, that due to technical difficulties involved in providing absolute security, transaction and files might become public.

    The Green Tree Public Library’s staff reserves the right to enforce these posted policies noting that it is a user’s privilege and not a right to access the Internet via the EiNetwork computers. A user violates this policy by his or her inappropriate action or by failing to report violation by others that come to the attention of the user. Further, a user violates this policy if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer network and Internet. Failure to comply with this policy and its procedures will result in the forfeiture of the user’s right to access the Green Tree Public Library’s computers and use the Library. The Library staff circulates around the computer areas to better enforce these policies. All violations of the Library’s Internet Use Policy must be reported to the Library Director, who will then submit an incident report to the EiNetwork.

    D. The Green Tree Public Library does not allow hacking or any type of physical damaging of the EiNetwork computer. If an offender is found, they will lose their library privileges. NOTE: The EiNetwork has special filters and a firewall to prevent damage to these computers.

    E. We do not disseminate any patron information unless it is requested by a court order. We preserve a patron’s confidentiality as to address, phone number, etc.

    F. Our Internet Policy does restrict minors’ access to materials considered “harmful to minors” by filtering with Cyber patrol filters on all but one computer.

    This information was updated as of June 20, 2002 in compliance with the NCIPA law

  • Internet Acceptable Use Policy

    A. Philosophy

    Internet use at Green Tree Public Library is an extension of the commitment to meeting the information needs of the community. In addition to using the Internet as an information resource, the library also seeks to provide the opportunity for Internet use, with limitations, to members of the public. The Internet, as an information resource, enables the library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It allows access to ideas, information and commentary from around the globe. In introducing the Internet as an information resource, the goal of the library is to enhance its existing collection in size and depth and, as a public access agency, give the opportunity to anyone who wishes to participate in navigating the Internet.

    B. Acceptable Use

    The Green Tree Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The internet is a global resource with a highly diverse user population and information content. Library patrons use the Internet at their own risk and discretion. The Green Tree Public Library cannot be responsible for the quality or accuracy of any information found on the Internet.

    Internet resources accessible through the library are provided equally to all library users. Parent or guardian, not the library staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children.

    Adults using computers in the presence of children will be asked to close a website that is depicting or discussing information that is harmful to minors. Adults may be advised that while accessing and viewing sexual material is within the law for an adult, the risk of exposure to minors and the consequences of being harmful to minors are significant. When children are in proximity or even if another adult is expressly offended, the patron viewing such materials may be asked to close a website and select a more appropriate resource or location within or outside of the library. Children or adults who repeatedly disregard this policy and the request of the staff may be asked to leave the library building.

    Green Tree Public Library will continue to offer its patron access to chat rooms and email. There is a potential for abuse when such discussion may become obscene or harmful to minors. When this occurs, patron may be asked by staff to close this site.

    Internet workstations must be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others and taking care with the use of the equipment. Workstation cannot be used for fraudulent or unlawful purposes, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, state or local laws.

    C. Guidelines for Public Internet Use

    In an effort to ensure that the use of the Internet is consistent with the mission of the Green Tree Public Library, the following regulations shall apply:

    1. Users must have a valid library card within Allegheny County. Out of town visitors may use a guest card provided by a library staff member to access computer resources.

    2. The library reserves the right to establish procedures that make the workstations available on a first come first served sign-in basis.

    3. Internet use will be managed in a manner consistent with the library policy on acceptable use: Workstations must be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of other users. Users may not make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software. Computer and Internet settings may not be changed. Users may not use the network to make unauthorized entry into other computational, informational or communications services or resources. Users may not invade the privacy of others or engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.

    4. Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities on the Internet. Access, use of dissemination or information via the Internet in the library, is the responsibility of the user. In the case of minors, it is the join responsibility of the user and the parent or legal guardian. Green Tree Public Library will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by members of the public except as required by law or necessary for the proper operation of the library.

    D. Compliance with Library Policy and Guidelines

    1. Violation of the policies and regulations that govern the use of the library’s Internet resource may result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use these resources.

    2. Any illegal activity involving the library’s Internet resources or equipment will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.

    3. The library reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure compliance.

    4. This policy is subject to periodic review by the Board of Trustees.

  • CIPA Policy

    A. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law that requires all computers in a public library to be filtered if that library accepts any federal funds for Internet access or computers used for Internet access. [Supreme Court decision: United States v. American Library Ass’n. Inc., No. 02-361 (June 23, 2003)] Green Tree Public Library complies with the requirements of CIPA.

    B. All computers in the Green Tree Public Library are filtered. Please be aware that filters are unreliable, at times blocking sites of legitimate information or educational value, or allowing access to sites that are illegal, obscene or sexually explicit within the meaning of 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sec. 5903.

    C. Green Tree Public Library uses filtering software that blocks or filters Internet access to some Internet sites that may be consistent with the policy of the Green Tree Public Library.

    D. Parents or legal guardians, and not the Library or its staff, are responsible for monitoring their children’s use of the Internet and for the information selected and/or accessed by their children. The Library strongly encourages parents or legal guardians to supervise their children’s Internet use and to provide them with guidelines about acceptable use.

    E. Green Tree Public Library’s computers cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, Pennsylvania or local laws, including activities in violation of 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sec. 5903, which prohibits certain acts of public indecency.

    F. Any adult (17 years of age or older, as defined by CIPA) may request that the filter or technology protection measure be disabled without significant delay by a Green Tree Public Library staff member authorized by the Library Director.

    G. An authorized Green Tree Public Library staff member may override the filter or technology protection measure for a minor (age 16 years of younger, as defined by CIPA) in the event that the filter wrongly blocks or filters Internet access to a site with legitimate informational value.

    H. Green Tree Public Library cannot be responsible for any patron’s unauthorized use of a computer with a disabled filter.

    I. Complaint Procedure

    Any patron who wishes to file a complaint about the filtering software on the library computers may do so within thirty (30) days to:

    1. The Library Director and/or the Library Board President
    2. The Director of the Electronic Information Network
    3. The Federal Communications Commission.
  • Computer Instruction

    A. Non-Scheduled Computer Instruction

    1. Library staff provides basic Internet assistance and minimal instruction in the use of computers as time and staffing permits. To insure continuation of other services, the amount of time available for non-scheduled individual computer instruction is limited.

    2. Library staff is unable to support functions that fall outside the realm of instruction, including creating, editing and/or designing content and managing, ordering or assessing goods and/or services online. With the exception of e-reader devices, library staff cannot troubleshoot or provide instruction for non-library technology.

    3. Patrons interested in becoming familiar with computers, learning new programs and/or enhancing technology skills are encouraged to register for group computer classes or one-on-one computer lessons.

    B. Group Computer Lessons

    1. On a rotating basis, the library offers group computer classes for adults ages 18 and over on topics such as Microsoft Word, computer basics and setting up an email account. Each class is 60 minutes in length and costs $10 per person for Green Tree residents and $15 per person for non-residents, unless otherwise noted. The class is limited to four students, with a minimum of two students required to hold the class. Registration for group classes close when class size is reached or four business days before the class, whichever comes first.

    2. To register, computer class students must have a valid library card in good standing. Cards can be obtained at Green Tree Public Library’s front desk by presenting a valid photo identification and proof of current address. Individuals may sign up for group computer classes in person, over the phone or online through the library’s calendar of events. Payment for classes is due in person at the library within two library business days of registration. Registrants who fail to provide payment within the specified time will lose his/her space in the class.

    C. One-on-one Computer Lessons

    1. For students seeking more personalized technology instruction, the library offers one-on-one computer lessons for adults ages 18 and over. Each class is 60 minutes in length and costs $20 for Green Tree residents and $30 for non-residents.

    2. To register, computer class students must have a valid library card in good standing. Cards can be obtained at Green Tree Public Library’s front desk by presenting a valid photo identification and proof of current address.
    Individuals may sign up for one-on-one computer lessons in person, over the phone or online through the library’s calendar of events. Registration for one-on-one lessons opens on the last Monday of each month for the next month’s classes. Payment for lessons is due in person at the library within two library business days of registration. Registrants who fail to provide payment within the specified time will lose his/her one-on-one computer lesson reservation.

    3. The library provides computer instruction on a variety of topics and will do their best to accommodate patron needs. However, the library may not be able to fulfill requests for software-specific or advanced instruction. A librarian will be in touch with students after registration to get a better sense of their needs and see if the one-on-one lessons are a good fit.

    D. Fees for computer classes are non-refundable.

    1. If the registrant cancels less than four library business days prior to a class or lesson, or no-shows on the day of the class or lesson, fees are forfeited and will not be applied to any subsequent training. If the registrant cancels at least four library business days prior to a lesson or class, or if the library cancels any classes or lessons, fees will be retained and applied to the next available class or lesson.

    2. The library reserves the right to alter class or lesson schedules, content, limit class size, reschedule, discontinue or cancel classes or lessons.

    E. Unemployed Patron Lessons

    The library offers up to two free one-on-one computer lessons to unemployed patrons seeking to improve job opportunities. If you are currently unemployed, please call or stop into the library to learn more about how to register for these computer lessons. Proof of unemployment is required.

  • Miscellaneous

    Section V



    Green Tree Public Library welcomes gifts from individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations and other community organizations.

    A.  Monetary Gifts

    Monetary gifts of all sizes are always appreciated. Donors will receive an acknowledgement letter. Unless otherwise stated prior to or at the time of receipt, monetary gifts will be considered unrestricted and allocated as such.

    1. Unrestricted Monetary Gifts

    Unrestricted monetary gifts shall be accepted by the Library and will be applied to the Library’s General Fund to purchase materials or equipment, support Library programs, or in other ways that the Library deems appropriate.

    2. Restricted Monetary Gifts

    Restricted monetary gifts will only be accepted if they are consistent with the Library’s stated mission, purpose and priorities. Only monetary donations equal to or exceeding $5,000 will be considered for restricted purposes, and will be at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees and Library Director. The donor must identify in writing: a) the subject of the gift; b) the purpose of the gift; c) the beneficiary or beneficiaries, if any; and d) all conditions or restrictions that may apply. The Library reserves the right of final selection in order to meet the needs of the community, the building design and utilization, plus the criteria of the Collection Development Policy.

    B. Memorials and Honorariums

    The Library offers several ways to honor or memorialize loved ones. Notification of memorial or honorary contributions will be sent to the family of the person being recognized, as well as an acknowledgement letter to the donor. Families or groups seeking to make multiple gifts, or who have identified the Library as the beneficiary of memorial donations in an obituary, are strongly encouraged to assign a designated contact person and reach out the Library as soon as possible.   

    1.     Donations in Memory/Honor

    Monetary gifts may be given in memory of or in honor of an individual. Unless otherwise noted, a memorial or in honor donation will be considered unrestricted and will be allocated to provide core Library services such as materials, online resources, programs, events, public computers and more. Should a donor wish to earmark the funds for a specific project or purchase, the gift will be considered restricted and subject to the guidelines set forth in the Restricted Monetary Gifts policy.

    2.     Memorial and Honor Books

    The Library offers the opportunity to purchase memorial or honor books to show special appreciation for a loved one. Donations may be made by submitting a Memorial and Honor Book form. For each $25 gift, the Library will purchase a book and add a bookplate with the name of the honored person and the donor. Donors can specify an area of special interest that will be followed to the extent possible, or donors may allow the Library to designate its greatest need and select the book. All materials will be subject to the selection, evaluation and maintenance criteria of the Library’s Collection Development Policy.

    3.     Ongoing Recognition Opportunities

    The library periodically offers other campaigns, such as donor plaques or inscriptions, to memorialize and honor individuals and businesses. Check with the library to see which, if any, campaigns are being run. The library is unable to provide naming opportunities outside of these official campaigns, unless the gift being made amounts to $10,000 or more and has been discussed with and approved by the Library Board. 

    C.  Donation of Materials

    1.     The Library accepts donations of materials that meet the criteria listed below. Donated materials become the property of the Library and may be used at its discretion for purposes it deems necessary or appropriate, including Library book sales or other fundraising activities. Unused or unsold materials may be donated to outside organizations at the discretion of the Library Board. The Library reserves the right to accept/decline materials or to discard them as necessary due to limitations of storage space, cost considerations, or staffing.

    2. The Library will provide receipts for donated materials at the request of the donor. However, Library staff and volunteers are prevented by law from providing a value of donations for tax purposes.

    3.  Donations should be submitted in boxes or sturdy bags that are easily carried. Boxed materials for donation should not weigh more than 50 lbs. or exceed 18” x 16” x 12” in size. Donations may only be accepted on scheduled donation days to ensure that Library staff and volunteers may safely process and store materials.

    4.  Accepted Materials: In order to maximize the reuse of donated materials, the Library will accept only the following types of donated materials:.

    a.  Hardcover books for adults, including works fiction and nonfiction

    b.  Paperback books for adults, including works fiction and nonfiction

    c.  Young Adult and Children’s books, including works of fiction and nonfiction

    5.  Excluded Materials: The library is not able to accept other materials not specifically mentioned above, including but not limited to the following:

    a. Reference books, including encyclopedia and similar materials

    b. Large dictionaries

    c. Textbooks, cookbooks, or computing/technology books

    d. Reader’s Digest, Cliffs Notes, or similar condensed materials

    e. Dated publications, e.g. tax guides or test-prep guides

    f.  Magazines and other periodicals

    g. Videos and music, e.g. CDs, DVDs, or VHS tapes

    h. Damaged materials or materials in poor condition, such as those having torn pages or excessively worn covers; materials with yellow, brittle pages or damaged binding; dirty or dusty items; stained, water-damaged or mildewed items; materials with excessive notes or highlighting

    6. For donated books intended for inclusion in the Library collection, please refer to the Library’s Collection Development Policy.

    D.    Other Donations

    Gifts of real estate, securities, stocks, and bonds will be referred to the Board. Other items, including gifts of art objects, memorabilia or other tangible objects may be accepted by the Library Director, who may consult with the Board as needed.


    Fax Machine

    A.   Green Tree Public Library has a FAX machine. The number is 412-921-4004.

    B.   Use of the FAX machine is limited to the Continental USA only.

    C.   The cost of a FAX transmission or receipt is $1.00 per page.

    D.   The FAX machine will be operated by Library Personnel only.



    A.   Green Tree Public Library has a public scanner, which is free to use.

    B.   Scanned documents may be saved to a USB or emailed.



    A.  Green Tree Public Library has a copier available for public use.

    B.  The cost is $.25 per page for black and white and color copies.



    A.   Green Tree Public Library has printers available for the public’s use. These printers are located at the front desk.

    B.   The cost of a print out is $0.15 per black and white page and $.50 for color.  Patrons will be charged through an automated print system for every page that is printed.



    E-mail accounts are available to staff and Board Members through the EiNetwork in order to support and enhance public service and professional development through access to electronic mail, to regional, national and international databases, and to other computer-mediated shared resources.

    Board Members and staff wishing to apply for an E-mail account through the EiNetwork must request that the Library Director contact EiNetwork. Once an account is established (usually within one week), the holder may access their account from any personal computer that provides access to the Internet.

    Internet access from the Green Tree Public Library through the EiNetwork is subject to the following standards of acceptable use:

    A.   Access to the Internet may not be used for illegal purposes.

    B.   Any activity which would interfere with the work of others, or with their ability to use facilities connected with the Internet is prohibited.

    C.   No one is permitted access to any account but their own.

    D.   Abusive, threatening, obscene or profane correspondence and chain letters are prohibited.

    E.   Use of the Internet by private for-profit entities for marketing, advertising and fundraising is prohibited.

    F.    Board Members and staff are permitted to post news of Library events, book sales, and Library items available for sale, trade or donation.

    G.   Use of e-mail accounts for private and personal business is prohibited.

    H.   The e-mail address of the Library is: greentree (at) einetwork (dot) net

    The e-mail address of the Director is: traya (at) einetwork (dot) net

  • Materials Donated to the Library

    Effective July 1, 2022, the Green Tree Library Board has adopted the following policy related to donations of materials:


    Green Tree Public Library accepts donations of gently-used books and other materials monthly, typically on the first Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please refer to the Library’s events calendar for upcoming donation dates. On these days, Library volunteers will be on hand to help receive and sort through the donated items. Collecting and organizing these materials takes a great deal of time and effort, and therefore the Library has established the following policies related to accepting donations of materials.


    The Green Tree Library Board has adopted the following polices related to the donation of materials:
    A.     Types of Acceptable Materials: In order to maximize the reuse of donated materials, the Library will accept only the following types of donated media:
    1.    Hardcover books for adults, including works fiction and nonfiction
    2.    Paperback books for adults, including works fiction and nonfiction
    3.    Young Adult and Children’s books, including works of fiction and nonfiction

    B.     Excluded Materials: The library is not able to accept other materials not specifically mentioned in Section A, including but not limited to the following:
    1.    Reference books, including encyclopedia and similar materials
    2.    Large dictionaries
    3.    Textbooks, cookbooks, or computing/technology books
    4.    Reader’s Digest, Cliffs Notes, or similar condensed materials
    5.    Dated publications, e.g. tax guides or test-prep guides
    6.    Magazines and other periodicals
    7.    Videos and music, e.g. CDs, DVDs, or VHS tapes
    8.    Damaged materials or materials in poor condition, such as those having torn pages or excessively worn covers; materials with yellowed, brittle pages or damaged binding; dirty or dusty items; stained, water damaged or mildewed items; materials with excessive notes or highlighting; or scratched or worn media.

    C.    Health and Safety Considerations
    1. Donations should be submitted in boxes or sturdy bags that are easily carried.
    2. Boxed materials for donation should not weigh more than 50 lbs. or exceed 18” x 16” x 12” in size.
    3. Donations may only be accepted on scheduled donation days to ensure that Library staff and volunteers may safely process and store materials.

    D.    Use of Materials
    1.    Donated materials are the property of the Library and may be used at its discretion for purposes it deems necessary or appropriate.
    2.    The Library will provide receipts for donated materials at the request of the donor. However, Library staff and volunteers are prevented by law from providing a value of donations for tax purposes.
    3.    The Library reserves the right to accept/decline materials or to discard them as necessary due to limitations of storage space, cost considerations, or staffing.
    4.    Donated materials may be used as part of Library book sales or other fundraising activities, and unused or unsold materials may be donated to outside organizations at the discretion of the Library Board.


The mission of the Green Tree Public Library is to nurture the educational and intellectual needs of the community and to be a place conducive to reading, thinking, dreaming and working.


  • Develop and maintain a collection of books, multimedia and other materials that nurture the educational and intellectual needs of the community.
  • Provide current electronic resources and technological services.
  • Provide, publicize and promote educational and entertaining programs for people of all ages. 
  • Embrace diversity, inclusion and equity.
  • Commit to excellence in service and to remove barriers to materials.